MyVox receives Seal of Excellence certificate from European Commission

EU Commissioner Moedas (Research Science and Innovation)  and Commissioner Cretu (Regional Policy) has certificated that MyVox Phase-2 proposal and business plan submitted to the H2020 EU SME Instrument in April 2019 has been carefully reviewed under one of the most complete evaluation systems in the world. 

MyVox AIRMAN proposal was ranked with highest score Excellent  as an “HIGH-QUALITY PROJECT PROPOSAL IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE EVALUATION PROCESS”.

Only the most convincing and excellent proposals can be funded after a thorough evaluation by multinational panels of technology, business and finance independent experts. Only 68 projects out of  1752 applicants received funding in this call (<3% ).  MyVox was scored in the top in this ultra-tough competition.  This means MyVox project proposal has passing all stringent Horizon 2020 assessment thresholds for the 3 award criteria (excellence, impact, quality and efficiency of implementation) required to formally receive funding from the EU budget Horizon 2020. However, since Horizon 2020 resources/budgets available for this specific Call were already allocated to other projects following a competitive ranking,  the EU Commission instead recommended MyVox to get funding by other sources. This SoE quality label is a guarantee for investors about the high standard project proposal from MyVox and the expected growth potential of the company.

Read more about Seal of excellence:

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